USA (MNN) — Are you doing some last-minute Christmas shopping? Not sure what to buy for someone on your list? If so, be sure to check out Wycliffe USA’s Gift Catalog!
Sustained giving director Pixie Christensen says, “The catalog is a magazine-style format and it covers a wide scope of Bible translation work, from projects that feature very first Scripture in a language group to audio Scripture [and] oral Bible storying. And we have several children’s projects, children’s Bibles, which is really exciting for us.
“So really, it gives you an opportunity to see not only the full work of Bible translation, but just areas around the world where we have projects from 16 countries [in] four different regions of the world.”

(Photo courtesy of Wycliffe USA)
Have a specific country, project, or people group on your heart? With the Gift Catalog, you can find a Bible translation project to support through Wycliffe USA.
“We have a search feature this year where if you want to know if there’s a project about oral Bible storying, you can find it easier. Also, we have the projects gathered together by category.”
Donating to a Bible translation project in honor of someone on your list can be a life-altering event.
For example, because people gave to the Rwandan Sign Language project, men like Muhire found new purpose.
“He suffered such shame and isolation, being deaf and not being able to understand what was said in churches,” Christensen says. “He (Muhire) lost his hearing during the years of violence in Rwanda and it was a tough road for him. He got a job as a translator for the Rwandan Sign Language project and he started realizing how much God loved him. His whole life changed.”
Still want something tangible to put under the tree or in a stocking?
Christensen says, “If someone goes to the website, they can see downloadable cards to print that say ‘in honor of’ or ‘in memory of.’ So if you are giving a gift in honor of someone, that person opens that gift under the tree on Christmas morning and sees, ‘Wow, a gift was given in my honor to give the Yamdena people in Indonesia a Children’s Bible. How wonderful because that’s a gift that’s going to last forever!'”

(Photo courtesy of Wycliffe USA)
Check out Wycliffe USA’s Gift Catalog here!
“It’s just an amazing blessing to say, ‘Wow, that group is getting the gift of hope.’”
Header photo courtesy of Wycliffe USA.