USA (MNN) — New resource offers bridge to telling people about Christ.
USA (MNN) — New resource offers bridge to telling people about Christ.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) – MLC expands own offerings and launches new partner opportunity
International (MNN) — Online ads about Jesus are reaching curious seekers in closed countries.
USA — You can give someone the gift of having a Gospel impact!
International (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide is working to meet the rising need for oral Bibles.
Near East (MNN) — The pandemic pushed Gospel outreach to the internet, and God is moving.
International (MNN) — Trans World Radio partnered with Light The World to reach the unreached
International (MNN) — As in-person events are canceled, Global Disciples takes their international worship event online
Myanmar (MNN) — COVID-19 has forced this discipleship outreach to get creative
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity moves ministry online after college campuses send students home to avoid COVID-19