Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea and Ethiopia’s relationship is complex, but Bible translation work for the Kunama continues across borders and continents.
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea and Ethiopia’s relationship is complex, but Bible translation work for the Kunama continues across borders and continents.
Madagascar (MNN) — A recent trip to Madagascar brought Wycliffe USA leaders face-to-face with church leaders doing Bible translation.
International (MNN) – Churches join the vision to translate God’s Word in every language by 2025.
Nigeria (MNN) — Bible translation might not seem like a dangerous endeavor, but in some locations, terrorism is a necessary occupational hazard.
Uganda (MNN) — Believers in Uganda unite to translate Scripture in new languages.
Uganda (MNN) — Board members also examined a new approach gaining ground in places like Uganda – Oral Bible Translation.
Philippines (MNN) – The Isnag community of the northern Philippines celebrated and dedicated the complete Isnag Bible after more than 66 years of translation work.
International (MNN) — Like the Gutenberg press, A.I. could make Scripture more accessible by making the translation process more efficient.
International (MNN) — Meta, the parent company of social media giants Facebook and Instagram, is using the Bible to train its artificial intelligence speech tool.
Europe (MNN) — More than 350 known sign languages are used by the Deaf worldwide today. Yet only one of these has a full Bible.