Africa (MNN) — Jihad is spreading like cancer across Africa. Militant Islamist activity has been steadily rising since 2013.
Sub-Saharan Africa is “the new global terrorism hotspot,” Foreign Policy claims. Terrorist attacks constantly put Nigeria in the headlines, and Islamic State affiliates tried to secure control of the Mali-Niger border at the end of May.
Jesus is working throughout Africa as well. “There’s so much the Lord is doing, and the literature is a large part of that,” Helen Williams of World Missionary Press says.
“I’ve recently met with several African leaders, and they all feel that this is Africa’s time.”
A new opportunity
Scripture booklets printed by World Missionary Press are the “fuel” a new partner needs to plant churches in 26 African countries. Islamist groups like Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, and the Fulani seek to control land and people in many of these nations.

“The early Church went to every home with the Gospel. It’s a good model for the Church in the last days. Every person deserves to be given an opportunity to hear the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.” –WMP church planting partner in Lesotho
(Photo, caption courtesy of World Missionary Press)
WMP’s new church planting partner is working in “Sudan, Gambia, Chad, Mali, and Niger; some of these are hard places for the Gospel. [The ministry partner is] in the French part of Africa and the Sahel region, which is particularly difficult,” Williams says.
“The literature is a great tool to leave with people and use for training.”
By supporting WMP, you can help church planters in Africa get the tools they need for outreach and discipleship. “These opportunities keep coming, and we cannot meet them without the support of those who pray and give and hold us up before the Lord,” Williams says.
“We can’t just suddenly make it happen; we look to the Lord for the income to buy the paper, pay for the containers, etc.”
Praise God for doing great and mighty things in Africa! “This ministry has grown,” Williams says, speaking of WMP’s new partner.
“Even in difficult circumstances, in Muslim-dominated areas, they see people come to the Lord.”
Header and story images courtesy of World Missionary Press.