Uganda (MNN) — In late July, Muslim extremists came to the home of a Christian in Uganda and killed him.

Africa (MNN) — World Missionary Press Scripture booklets provide “fuel” for church planters in hostile regions.

International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.

Africa (MNN) — Trademark IS moves, like the crucifixions in Mozambique earlier this year, raise concerns about a second caliphate.

Mozambique (MNN) — The crisis is largely internal right now, but could spill across the borders as people seek resources.

Kenya (MNN) — Ministry workers with FMI meeting both spiritual and tangible needs

Kenya (MNN) — Not for the faint of heart, a church planting strategy launching in Kenya.

Kenya (MNN) — Hotel attack is third major assault in six years

Somalia (MNN) — Darkness grows, hope remains