Sahel (MNN) — Faithful deliveries: sharing Christian literature in difficult places.
Sahel (MNN) — Faithful deliveries: sharing Christian literature in difficult places.
Central Sahel (MNN) — Local believers meet needs as military leaders tighten ties.
Nigeria (MNN) — Sunday is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
Niger (MNN) — Roughly 1,000 U.S. troops will remain in Niger despite France’s decision to withdraw its military contingent by year-end.
Sahel (MNN) — TeachBeyond is standing in the educational gap for kids.
International (OM) — Did you know that more than three billion people worldwide don’t know God?
Niger (MNN) — Regional stability crumbles as tensions escalate in Niger.
USA (MNN) — Religious freedom sidelined during foreign policy summit.
Africa (MNN) — World Missionary Press Scripture booklets provide “fuel” for church planters in hostile regions.
International (MNN) — What will 2022 bring for persecuted Christians around the world?