Lebanon (MNN) — Targeted Israeli airstrikes reach Syria’s capital and southern Lebanon as the Gaza war grinds on and threatens to expand.
At least 83,000 people have fled inland from the Lebanese-Israeli border, and Lebanon’s caretaker government has yet to declare a state of emergency. That leaves nonprofits like Triumphant Mercy Lebanon without resources to care for those in need.
“We’re trying to reach out as much as possible to people in a state of shock and instability, and not knowing what the future holds,” Nuna with TM Lebanon says.
“We’re trying to see how we can help them because they came with nothing. Their kids left school; they don’t have jobs anymore. It’s a difficult situation because you’re always finding people who are hopeless.”
Believers may not have the resources to meet every physical need, but they share what they do have – the hope of Christ.
“We always bring in the Gospel because how [else] would we bring hope to people except by telling them to turn their eyes from their situation and trust that God is taking care of them, even in the midst of difficulty,” Nuna says.
“It is the Good News, and people need to hear some good news with everything bad around them, everything so bleak, dark, and heavy.”
Consider supporting TM Lebanon’s efforts here. Ask the Lord to strengthen Gospel workers and give them wisdom as they reach out to people in need.
“My team needs joy,” Nuna says. “We need to be overcomers and bring joy over all this sadness and the despair around us, so just pray for a double portion of joy.”
Header and story images courtesy of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon.