Nigeria — The firestorm Christians go through in Nigeria continues.
Sudan (MNN) — Church planters are reaching refugees with the Gospel where they’re at!
Sudan (MNN) — “There will be a day for us to rejoice with them. But right now we mourn with them.”
Lebanon (MNN) — The escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon carries hints of all-out war.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hezbollah takes aim at the Golan Heights in the latest air strikes and missile exchange with Israel.
Sudan (MNN) — Pray for strength and endurance as Sudanese Christians continue Bible translation work.
International (MNN) — One long-term consequence of war isn’t always so quickly seen, but it is devastating: loss of education.
International (MNN) — For many Christians in the world today, survival sometimes puts ministry on hold.
Sudan (MNN) — As Sudanese faces a hunger crisis and dangers due to conflict, Bible translators need your prayer support as they brave dangers within the country.
Iraq (MNN) — Many displaced people would’ve gone home sooner if they could, but they cannot because it’s dangerous.