Israel (MNN) — Israelis have differing views on where to go from here.
Israel (MNN) — Israelis have differing views on where to go from here.
Israel (MNN) — Our help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
Gaza (MNN) — Many celebrated the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal on Wednesday, but by Thursday morning doubts emerged.
Israel (MNN) — TWR speaks hope online in beleaguered Israel.
MENA (MNN) — Fadi Sharaiha with the MENA Leadership Center reminds us that followers of Christ aren’t on an island, removed from these tragedies.
Israel (MNN) — A Messianic Jew in the IDF shares his perspective.
Israel/Gaza (MNN) — SGA offers both a situational and spiritual perspective.
Israel (MNN) — One year on, Israeli Christians react to the October 7 Hamas attacks.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — The Islamic State appears to have a far reach, but do they?
Iran (MNN) — Now that Gaza negotiations are at a stalemate, analysts say Iran could feel pressured by its allies to attack Israel.