International (MNN) — This month, headlines from Muslim-majority countries serve a dual purpose. Yes, they are current events but each headline is also a call to action.
Every time Muslims appear in the news between now and June 4, or a headline arises from a Muslim-majority nation, it’s a reminder to pray for the Muslim world. Why? Ramadan is underway – a sacred month on the Islamic calendar. During Ramadan, Muslims devote themselves to fasting and seeking God. It’s a perfect season to pray Islamic followers will meet the one true Lord of Lords.
Download a prayer calendar here to pray through Ramadan.
Headlines like this one and this one – used in sync with Prayercast’s new “Love Muslims” video series – provide arsenal for committed prayer warriors. “The more we know, the more we notice,” observes Prayercast director Chris Ruge.
“Now, rather than just seeing a headline, my heart is stirred. Instead of just reading a story, God leads me in prayer for the people who are involved in that story.”
Join MNN’s email list to receive daily or weekly headlines. These updates can help you knowledgeably and specifically pray for Muslims as you learn about the people group.
“As I learn more about what it means to be a Muslim, about what they’re experiencing during Ramadan, about all these different facets of the Muslim world… as I learn more about that, I notice more things in the news that might have not caught my eye before.”
Prayer: it can change the Muslim world
Ruge and the Prayercast team began working on the “Love Muslims” series over four years ago. It all began with a question: “If we could snap our fingers and do anything in the Muslim world, what would we ask for?” Details here.

More questions followed the first: “What if we started praying for specific leaders in the Muslim world? Key political and religious leaders,” Ruge recalls.
“What would happen if one of them came out and boldly proclaimed to the entire world that they have met with Jesus Christ and found a better way?”
Those inquiries led to appointments, phone calls, interviews, filming sessions, and many, many hours of editing. Today, the “Love Muslims” library holds 130 videos, each designed to unleash strategic, focused prayer on the Muslim world.
“I am praying that He will use this to rally His body around the world in a way that we would look back and say, ‘That started something…historically significant in all of redemptive history’,” says Ruge.
Pray Muslims will encounter the one true God during Ramadan. Find specific prayer needs in each “Love Muslims” video. Today’s video focuses on marriage in the Muslim world.
Header image courtesy of Kaboompics.com via Pexels.