International (OM/MNN) — During Ramadan, let’s ask God to open the eyes and hearts of Muslims worldwide.
International (OM/MNN) — During Ramadan, let’s ask God to open the eyes and hearts of Muslims worldwide.
International (MNN) — While prayer during Ramadan is important and strategic, resources from Prayercast can help you throughout the year.
International (MNN) — Islamic fasting month begins; Prayercast organizes global intercession.
Iran (MNN) — “God is doing something very special.”
International (MNN) — Prayercast urges intercession for Muslim world
Europe (MNN) — God moving among Muslim refugees despite mixed responses to need
International (MNN) — Want to change the Muslim world? Start at the family level
Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains for war-torn nation because God reigns
International (MNN) — During Ramadan, headlines are a call to prayer
International (MNN) — As Ramadan approaches, prayer warriors prepare