Ghana (MNN) — Ghana plays a key role in spreading the gospel in Africa, but more believers need to be mobilized to act.
Ghana (MNN) — Ghana plays a key role in spreading the gospel in Africa, but more believers need to be mobilized to act.
United States (MNN) – Young adults grow professionally and spiritually over the summer at OneWay Ministries.
GHANA (MNN) — What movies have changed your life? Missionaries in Ghana, West Africa are sharing the JESUS Film and seeing many from unreached people groups come to faith in Christ.
USA (MNN) — Generation Z is motivated to know more about Jesus Christ.
USA (MNN) — What defines the spiritual revival coming out of Asbury University?
Afghanistan (MNN) — Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan grows more desperate by the day.
United States (MNN) — “OneVoice” podcast lets you hear directly from believers in tough places, like Afghanistan.
International (MNN) — Prayercast urges intercession for Muslim world
Europe (MNN) — God moving among Muslim refugees despite mixed responses to need
International (MNN) — During Ramadan, headlines are a call to prayer