China (MNN) — Although the Chinese Communist Party is atheistic, in a real sense it has a role in gospel ministry to China. Sound surprising? We’ll explain.
First, some context. Ministry in China requires perseverance, as Kurt Rovenstine with Bibles for China (BFC) implies.
“COVID obviously put everybody back a few paces,” he says. “Then policy changes, and the difficulties that everybody that works in China is facing in terms of what they can and can’t do…. At times, you begin to wonder if the work is necessary or even possible because of some of those changes.”

Bible study (Image courtesy of Bibles for China)
The BFC team has navigated many challenges and now they considering a new need they could help meet in China. For more than a decade they have focused on legally distributing God’s Word to people in China. But there’s been new feedback reaching them.
“[Before taking action] we’ll discuss it as a ministry with staff and [our] board and analyze the the data, but we’re continuing to get requests not as much for the Bibles for individuals, but [from seminaries],” says Rovenstine.
“Every seminary, every training center that we have the opportunity to visit — or at least talk to their leaders — are really concerned about their students who are graduating and going out into the field not having the resources that they need.”
It seems to be an open door to serve a vital need among future church leaders, partnering with local believers to do so.
That’s why BFC’s trip to China this fall was so important. (This is where the Chinese Communist Party comes back in.)
“It’s all about relationships, even when there’s difficulty and challenges. We were very honored [during] this trip to lay a [continued] foundation not just with CCC leaders, but some of the Communist Party leaders that oversee those areas. We were able to meet with [them] and have a little bit of dialog,” Rovenstine says.
“We were there with a larger group of people from the West that were there trying to learn what ministry in China looks like moving forward, and just get to know each other a little bit better.”
These continued connections between China’s Communist leaders and ministries like Bibles for China pave the way for future ministry. Praise God and join in prayer for the gospel to spread further!
“Pray that God opens doors for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to be able to make a difference and keep supporting those ministries that are doing work in China, because there’s still a great need, there’s still a great opportunity, in spite of the challenges,” says Rovenstine.
Header photo courtesy of Bibles for China.