China (MNN) — Relationship with the Chinese Communist Party is a key to BFC’s ministry.
International (MNN) — Ministry joins Alliance For the Unreached to champion the third of the world’s population denied access to the Gospel.
China (MNN) — China celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the country.
Int’l (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide offers Orality Coaching to expand ministry reach.
USA (MNN) — e3 Partners offers training to help churches share the Gospel
Jordan (MNN) — Redemptive Stories seeks to love their Middle Eastern neighbors
Lebanon (MNN) — Local Church partners to reach refugees
International (MNN) — Introducing a new ministry partner: Global Disciples!
Syria (FH) — Food for the Hungry linking with partners for long-term outreach
Rwanda (MNN) — Rwandan communities transformed by Proclaimers and partnerships