China (MNN) — Relationship with the Chinese Communist Party is a key to BFC’s ministry.
China (MNN) — Relationship with the Chinese Communist Party is a key to BFC’s ministry.
China (MNN) — Atheism. It’s what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants all of China to align with.
China (MNN) — He packed the government with his most loyal allies.
China (MNN) — Volunteers from the west record the training sessions.
China (MNN) — The ministry provides Bibles to be distributed in rural China.
China (MNN) — Tensions remain high as the U.S. promises to defend the island nation.
China (MNN) — “Nothing is underground in China.”
China (MNN) — Tensions build between China and the U.S.
China (MNN) — In China, a new law restricting any religious material from the internet has gone into effect.
China (MNN) — Foreigners who post religious material online will need a license to do so.