Indonesia (MNN) — Cleanup continues today after heavy flooding this week in Jakarta inundated the city's central business district, closed schools and offices, and entered the presidential palace.
The unusually strong monsoon rains killed over two dozen people and left over 100,000 homeless. Roughly 19,000 were evacuated to higher ground. However, it's not over yet. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more water is on its way, but flood waters are expected to start receding Sunday.
Indonesian authorities declared a state of emergency to release national funds and other resources.
The Associated Press reported on January 17 that torrential rains caused a dike to collapse in the capital's center. A third of the city's 14 million people were overcome by the water. The disaster also revealed the gap between the affluent and the poor.
Compassion International is no stranger there. Coming alongside existing churches, the group provides the help needed to release children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty. In turn, that enables the children (and often, their families) to become a vibrant faith community.
With such a large presence in the flood zone, their staff is scrambling to get news on how many sponsored children and families were affected by the waters.
The latest report: Families from Saat Pulomas Student Center (IO-420), Anak Bangsa Student Center (IO-421), Kasih Imanuel Student Center (IO-423), Fajar Baru Student Center (IO-425), PPA Batu Karang Student Center (IO-428), PPA Bijak Student Center (IO-429), PPA Merpati Student Center (IO-432), Anak Panah Student Center (IO-433) and Solideo Student Center (IO-880) have been affected.
However, with the situation so fresh, there are no child lists or specific information about how the kids have been affected. Compassion Indonesia has created a disaster response task force to provide assistance to any affected Compassion-assisted families and centers.
Please pray for the children and their families, the child development centers, and center staff members who may have been affected by this flooding situation. As well, please pray for the health and safety of the Compassion Indonesia staff members who are assessing the situation and helping the affected families.