Indonesia (MNN) — The population of Aceh is nearly 100% Muslim.
Indonesia (MNN) — The population of Aceh is nearly 100% Muslim.
Indonesia (MNN) — Christians wonder how the new administration will respond to their presence in a Muslim majority nation.
Indonesia (MNN) — FMI makes it possible for church planters to stay on the rural mission field.
Indonesia (MNN) — The new capital project continues to face major hiccups.
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan needs Jesus, and AMG International has a plan to reach them with the Gospel.
USA (MNN) — Indonesian Christians given Bible Translation Acceleration Kits to translate the Bible into their own languages.
Indonesia (MNN) — Local ministry shares prayer needs as thousands evacuate.
Indonesia (MNN) — Why USCIRF recommends that Indonesia be placed on the U.S. Department of State’s Special Watch List.
Indonesia (MAF) — This plane replaces the one attacked and burned by rebels in January 2021.
Indonesia (MNN) — Three Christian holidays will get new names in 2024.