Spain (MNN) — Church volunteers are meeting needs.
Spain (MNN) — Church volunteers are meeting needs.
Pakistan (MNN) — Monsoon rains have battered Pakistan with severe flooding and losses.
India (MNN) — AMG is seeking to raise $20,000 to show people who have lost everything the love of God.
India (MNN) — Sponsor a relief kit for flood victims with Mission India.
Pakistan (MNN) — Torrential monsoon rains have killed 38 people in the last two days in northwestern Pakistan.
Philippines (MNN) — At least 22 people in China have died of storm-related causes since Sunday.
India (MNN) — Children’s Bible Club with Mission India affected by flooding.
Nepal (MNN) — Nepal endures the rainy season every year, but Chitry with A3 says this year’s rain came late.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope offers specific prayer needs.
India (MNN) — Mission India pauses program while students recover livelihoods.