USA (MNN) — You’ve probably heard us use this phrase a time or two: “Find your place in the story.” It’s all about connecting with the stories we share here every day.
God may (or may not) be calling you to leave everything you know and be a missionary in Africa. But He calls every believer to do something – that’s why it’s called the Great Commission.
Wycliffe USA’s Senior Director of Global Workforce Strategies Sarah Traverso spends her days helping believers find their place in the Bible translation movement. “I’m using this term ‘Bible translation movement’ because it’s really big. It’s bigger than I was aware of when I started working with Wycliffe,” Traverso says.
“I get to see both ends: hearing about the needs (in the field), understanding what they are, and then connecting with the U.S. public and trying to find the right people to fill these roles.”
The opportunities, as well as the need for people to fill them, are endless. See a list of volunteer opportunities here.
Are you newly retired with time on your hands? Last year, the pandemic pushed more than three million baby boomers into early retirement. Volunteering could allow you to put your time and talents to use in God’s Kingdom.
“There are so many different ways you can serve with Wycliffe; you can do almost any role either as a volunteer or vocationally. Volunteer efforts can take place at home working remotely, as well as serving in a location outside the U.S.,” Traverso says.
“One of the biggest needs is for people who can be flexible and adaptable. Right now, the world changes very quickly, so it’s really about the attitude, the heart to serve, and that willingness to go where you’re needed.”
If you’re a recent seminary grad looking for the next step, check out a new Wycliffe USA program called “Convergence.” “They can receive a mentorship and training program to become Bible translation consultants,” Traverso says.
“There is a growing need for [Bible translation] consultants, and we’re looking at multiple ways to fill that need.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Elissa Garcia/Unsplash.