India (MNN) — Every dollar given will be doubled, up to $1 million!
India (MNN) — Every dollar given will be doubled, up to $1 million!
Zimbabwe (MNN) — The people of Zimbabwe are suffering through an almost year-long drought.
Kenya (MNN) — More than two billion people around the world don’t have regular access to safe water, including many in Kenya.
North Africa (MNN) — The Body of Christ plays out on a regional and international scale in North Africa despite challenges.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — SGA serves local churches through Operation Winter Warmth!
India (MNN) — Just $1 will reach two Indian kids with the Gospel.
Ukraine (MNN) — Keys for Kids devotionals offer a glimmer of Gospel hope.
India (MNN) — Mission India is distributing Relief Kits to displacement camps.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s matching challenge could reach 800,000 kids with the Gospel!
India (MNN) — Struggling to think of a gift for Dad this Father’s Day?