Pakistan (MNN) — In April, protests erupted across Pakistan as the government banned a far-right Islamist group known as TLP. People took to the streets to protest the arrest of the TLP leader. Followers blocked roads and took several police officers hostage in Lahore, Pakistan’s second-largest city.
The TLP believes all who speak against Islam should be silenced. Nehemiah of FMI says, “There are only two motives of this organization: to kick out Christians from their jobs or country, or push them to embrace Islam.”
Political success
Despite being banned by the government, the TLP has captured public opinion in Pakistan. In fact, they have become a highly successful political party. Nehemiah says recent elections have shown them to be the second most popular party in the country.
With the TLP wielding this kind of power, Pakistani Christians need prayer. Nehemiah says, “I would request [readers] to pray for the brothers and sisters who are serving God in this difficult situation. We have seven pastors, our partners, who are serving with FMI in this city, Lahore. And we have multiple literacy centers operating there. And they are serving in this very difficult situation.”
Pakistani Christians fear they could be attacked and accused of blasphemy at any moment. Ask God to protect them. And pray the Holy Spirit would challenge and remove the violent and fearful spirit from Pakistani society.
Photo credit: The header photo shows April protests in Pakistan. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)