Pakistan (MNN) — Mob violence kills 74-year-old Pakistani Christian
Pakistan (MNN) — Mob violence kills 74-year-old Pakistani Christian
Pakistan (MNN) — At least 600 prisoners are facing capital punishment right now because they’ve been accused of blasphemy.
Pakistan (MNN) — Actions like these can easily turn into Gospel opportunities.
Indonesia (MNN) — Why USCIRF recommends that Indonesia be placed on the U.S. Department of State’s Special Watch List.
Pakistan (MNN) — Mission Cry is giving free Bibles to the displaced believers.
International (MNN) — Blasphemy laws are often used to target minority Christians.
Pakistan (MNN) — The young student nearly died in the hospital.
Pakistan (MNN) — Is government response enough to stop mobs?
Pakistan (MNN) — At least five churches have been torched.
Algeria (MNN) — Persecuted Algerian believers need prayers for wisdom and encouragement.