Pakistan (MNN) — Christians are praying for terrorists to know Jesus.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians are praying for terrorists to know Jesus.
International (MNN) — Radical Islamic identity can only be transformed by radical identity in Christ
Democratic Republic of Congo (MNN) — Loss of life and massive displacement rage on in East Congo. Pray for God’s peace.
Niger (MNN) — Roughly 1,000 U.S. troops will remain in Niger despite France’s decision to withdraw its military contingent by year-end.
Niger (MNN) — Regional stability crumbles as tensions escalate in Niger.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lack of education for Syrian refugees is becoming a generational problem.
International (MNN) — The report comes from the Catholic charity aid to the Church in Need.
Palestine (MNN) — The government of Israel expelled 415 Hamas militants to a Lebanese mountainside
Somalia (MNN) — In just two months at the end of 2021, over 700,000 camels, sheep, goats, and cattle died.
Pakistan (MNN) — Insurgents killed 10 soldiers in Southwest Pakistan during a January 25 shootout.