Displaced in a pandemic: Indian monsoon victims encouraged by Christians

By August 21, 2020
flooding, monsoon, 2020

India (MNN) — Monsoon season in India is wreaking havoc on villages already staggering under the weight of a global pandemic. India’s monsoon season typically lasts from June to September. In the last three months, nearly 900 people have been killed by floods and landslides in India due to heavy rainfall.

More than 14,000 people have also been displaced. Those living in relief camps have little ability to socially distance. And with land and crops destroyed, many families are wondering how they can rebuild with their livelihood gone.

India monsoon flooding 2020. (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

Bartholomew* with Mission India says, “It’s just another thing in the year of 2020. It’s really extremely unfortunate. We’re just hearing a lot of displacement, death, shelter and relief camps, hospitals struggling to keep patients in the building. For example, at least one hospital has been evacuated.”

Mission India works with indigenous ministry partners to run programs like Church Planter Training, Children’s Bible Clubs, and Adult Literacy Classes. Since the surge of COVID-19, they have also been distributing relief kits through their ministry partners to those impacted by the pandemic.

Now Mission India is working with local partners to provide flood relief kits too.

“We gave them funds where they can locally resource relief kits that provide four weeks of food for a family of four and provide hygiene items as well,” Bartholomew says.

India monsoon flooding 2020. (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

“For $40, you can help enable a relief kit to help those that are dealing with not only COVID-19 and loss of jobs, but also now loss of homes and villages.”

It’s a profound example of loving others in India as Jesus would. Bartholomew says that 2020 “has been the year of doors being opened for the Gospel in India, we believe. So being able to distribute relief kits and be the hands and feet in a very material way of Jesus to those who are in most need of it has just been amazing. We’ve been able to meet people at the lowest of lows and share hope and love and grace with them while distributing something that can help them.”

Please pray for Mission India’s local partners to sense encouragement and strength from the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to use this timely relief to initiate Gospel conversations. Pray for people across India to know Jesus as their only hope in troubling times.

India monsoon flooding 2020. (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

Click here to support Mission India as they provide flood relief in the name of Christ.



Header photo courtesy of Mission India.


*Names changed for security purposes.

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