India (MNN) — Sponsor a relief kit for flood victims with Mission India.
India (MNN) — Sponsor a relief kit for flood victims with Mission India.
India (MNN) — Manipur survivors receiving aid from Mission India in relief camps.
India (MNN) — Mission India is distributing Relief Kits to displacement camps.
India (MNN) — God is using Indian believers to reach the unreached!
USA (MNN) — Mission India wants to link arms with your church to advance Jesus in India!
India (MNN) — Mission India’s ministry partners impacted by Cyclone Tauktae.
India (MNN) — Mission India distributing more Relief Kits in coronavirus surge.
India (MNN) – There’s still time to give to Mission India’s Open Doors Matching Challenge!
India (MNN/Mission India) — Mission India shares how God moved in India last year.
India (MNN) — Pandemic update: India needs your prayers and support more than ever