Sumatra (MNN) — A new library in south Sumatra is offering child scholarships, helping children reach goals they couldn't have dreamed of before.
When a ministry partner of Partners International opened the library branch, the camat or sub-district leader gave a speech welcoming them. It was apparent that the government recognizes that they are limited in funding non-profit education. However, they see the
library's presence as crucial.
"We give our greetings and full support to the opening of this library. And we hope that you will also be able to open branches in the four surrounding villages," said the camat.
The child scholarship program will help children like Dinda, a nine-year-old who attends a state elementary school. While the school tuition is free, book and supplies are not cheap. Her father's fishing business is uncertain, and her mother searches for oysters in the river. Their income is usually just enough to provide food, despite all the hard work.
The sponsorship program is especially unique for Dinda, who is still uncertain of her future, because of the cultural norm that girls don't go to school.
Besides the scholarship program, the library also offers conversational English classes for English teachers. The local Teacher's English Club hosted a "Speak English Day" featuring four native English speakers from America–a rare opportunity.
Pray that the library will be a means of communicating the Gospel. Pray for Dinda and other children like her who have dreams but need encouragement like the
scholarship program.