Kenya (MNN) – Looking for a missions opportunity this summer with young adults?

(Photo courtesy Buckner International)
Individuals aged 21-35 are invited to apply for Buckner International’s first-ever Young Adults Missions Trip to Kenya this August!
The application deadline is this Sunday, May 1, 2016. So, applicants need to act fast! The team will travel to Bungoma, Kenya, with Buckner International from August 31-September 11, 2016.
Buckner’s team will hold a three-day Leadership Conference, training community members and small business owners in leadership skills. They will also visit homes in the community, help with work projects at the Busia Family Hope Center, and host a children’s Vacation Bible School!
The Leadership Conference will cover several topics:
- How to Grow in your Faith
- Leadership in the Church
- Budgeting for Personal Income and Small Businesses
- Creating a Savings Plan at Different Income Levels
- And more!
Each morning of the three-day conference will start with a morning worship session, and then team members will lead the various seminar topics. Click here for the full schedule.
There is a serious need in Kenya for Christian leaders and businesspersons to start transforming their country. According to the CIA World Factbook, Kenya has a high unemployment rate at around 40-percent and is among the low middle-income nations. Nearly half the Kenyan population lives below the poverty line.
Buckner’s team members will be a part of cultivating creative business practices and spiritual growth with our Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ. This growth can have a ripple effect in Kenyan communities as Christian leaders are empowered in their personal and professional ministry efforts. A ripple effect with eternal impact!
If you are interested in joining the Buckner missions team, submit your application and a $250 non-refundable deposit by this Sunday, May 1, 2016. The “land cost” of the trip — the cost of food and lodging, transportation, etc. — based on a 14-member team is $1,900.
Revival must take place in Kenya all the time