India (MNN) — Sundar’s story is just one of many persecuted believers.
India (MNN) — Sundar’s story is just one of many persecuted believers.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians in Pakistan know deep suffering, but God is bringing them hope.
Lebanon (MNN) — Thimar-LSESD’s February Movement Day keeps momentum today.
Cuba (MNN) — Citizens of Cuba face multiple fronts as the economy flounders. How is the Church responding?
Japan (MNN) – A declining, aging population in Japan means both businesses and churches need guidance through the transition of leadership.
Central Asia (MNN) — Many Russians and Ukrainians own companies in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
South East Asia (MNN) — FARMS International helps local believers overcome shame and poverty
Haiti (MNN) — Citizens of Haiti build to a better life with church-centered business loans.
Ukraine (MNN) — Crisis Evangelism Fund provides relief for Ukraine
International (MNN) — Using business opportunities to build gospel connections.