Ethiopia (MNN) — Ever since hundreds of Gamo people in Ethiopia came to Christ in 2005, they have hungered for God’s Word in their heart language.
Now, the wait is over.
The Seed Company recently finished translation of the New Testament in what they call the Ethiopia New Testament Cluster project. Their most recent translation is in the shared heart language of the Gamo, Gofa, and Dawro people groups in Ethiopia.
10,000 villagers from the Gamo people’s area recently came together to celebrate the dedication of this translated New Testament.
Scott Anderson with The Seed Company says, “They were so excited, they just kept coming from all over the village. After several speakers and some worship time together, it was at that time–more toward the end–when the New Testaments were distributed and shared. People were reading and hearing God’s Word in their language for the first time.”
The reaction was touching. Anderson shares, “We saw firsthand the local Gamo people standing up and dancing and cheering and waving their arms and celebrating and giving glory to God for the fact that they now have Scripture in their own language.”
The Gamo were shown the "JESUS" film back in 2005, and many lives were transformed by the Holy Spirit. Afterward, local leaders, translators, and pastors came together with a desire to start translation work for a Gamo-Gofa-Dawro New Testament.
Now that the New Testament translation is finished, The Seed Company is contemplating their next project with the Gamo people language. “We’re thrilled to see how the local leadership has really taken ownership, seeing that the Old Testament is scheduled to be completed in 2013 next year,” Anderson states.
“The more that they have a taste of God’s Word and what it’s about, the more the Scripture says that their eyes are open and God is filling the desires of their heart with Him,” says Anderson. “As a result, they’re wanting more and more of Scripture.”
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to work in the lives of the Gamo, Gofa, and Dawro people. Pray also for smooth translation of the Old Testament into their heart language.
To support The Seed Company’s project, click here and donate to the Ethiopia OT Cluster project.