International (MNN) – A new app from Wycliffe Associates increases accessibility to God’s Word.
International (MNN) – A new app from Wycliffe Associates increases accessibility to God’s Word.
International (MNN) — Software builds a bridge between translation experts and local church groups.
International (MNN) — Gospel workers will have a new tool in their hands before long.
International (MNN) — Bible translation has its unique set of challenges.
International (MNN) — Why sign languages are so important to reaching Deaf cultures for Christ.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Only the hope of Jesus can bring light to the people of Afghanistan.
International (MNN) — The strengths and dangers of using AI in Bible translation.
International (MNN) – Even in media-saturated cultures, Deaf people don’t have easy access to gospel resources.
International (MNN) — DOOR International is celebrating 40 years of ministry!
MENA (MNN) — Bible translators put their lives on the line even after the work is done.