Wycliffe Bible Translators finds a creative and valuable way to help tsunami victims.

By February 14, 2005

Indonesia (MNN) — As many relief groups rushed aid to the tsunami victims, Wycliffe Bible Translators found that partnering with other groups was the most valuable way to help.

Since they don’t specifically do relief work, but primarily translate the Bible, Wycliffe linked with national relief-focused partners in Indonesia to serve tsunami victims.

Bob Creson with Wycliffe explains the heart of why, “After we began to realize how widespread the devastation was and the breadth of the tragedy, we began to look around for ways in which we could be helpful in terms of relief work. Wycliffe doesn’t do relief work, but we just felt like we needed to extend some compassion to those that were a part of that devastation.”

Wycliffe is channeling funds to their Indonesian Bible translation partner, Karti Daya. Some of Karti Daya’s board members formed a relief organization focused on the people of Aceh, called Friends of Aceh.

Through working together with those groups, the Gospel is going forth. Creson says, “We just need to be praying that God will use what is, in human terms, a tragedy and bring honor and glory to Himself. And my prayer is that through some of these relief efforts, that in some way, the doors will be opened to the Gospel message in that part of the world.”

If you would like to help Wycliffe Bible Translators go to their website, www.wycliffe.org.

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