India (MNN) — They knew it was coming: monsoon rains flood India annually. But this year was different. When summer rains inundated the massive Brahmaptura River in northern India–which flows through the entire state of Assam, its waters broke through the dikes and submerged more than 80 villages in a single day. Over 2 million people were left homeless.
"People are saying this is probably the worst flooding that they've seen in the last decade," said Danny Punnose with Gospel for Asia. GFA stepped in with relief aid, offering necessities like food, blankets, water and medical aid. "We were doing lots of relief work; we were helping people to get back on their feet.
"And now the rain has picked up again. It's one devastation after another."
GFA reports over 76 churches have flooded in Assam. In one district, a national highway bridge was completely washed away, putting a severe restriction on travel. Pure survival is the name of the game, and GFA-supported churches are doing the best they can to make it easier for families.
"Flooding is a very harsh reality," Punnose explained. "You're wet, you're cold, you don't have a place to go; there is no food, you can't even start a fire because everything's wet.
"Those are the main issues that we have to deal with right away."
GFA has provided aid to flood victims since June, but as the rains continue they need your help, too. Click here to lend a hand. Pray for disaster survivors and believers on the ground delivering relief aid. Help raise support and awareness by sharing this story on social media.
"Facebook, Twitter, prayer: those are very practical things that people can do immediately, right now," added Punnose.