(Screen capture courtesy of Love Muslims)
International (MNN) – ‘Love Muslims’ is a four-and-a-half-year-long project that sprouted from the seed of an idea: “If we could snap our fingers and do anything in the Muslim world, what would we ask for?’
In seeking out an answer to the question, Chris Ruge, director of Prayercast and overseer of the ‘Love Muslims’ project found one main issue that first needed addressing.
“For most of us, if somebody asked us to pray for Muslims, we may struggle to know HOW to best pray.”
Extremism flavors a lot of the narrative on the Muslim world…often closely associated with politics, and from there, things go further off the rails.
“So what we’ve created are these videos that will stir our hearts around at what God is doing around the world and help us to pray, not only knowledgeably, but (also) passionately.”
To Boldy Go…

(Screen capture courtesy of Love Muslims)
He goes on to say that ‘Love Muslims’ “is the most comprehensive and compelling set of prayer resources focused on the Muslim world that the world has ever seen.” A bold statement, though it stems from thousands of hours of hard work gathering the right resources.
“We have collaborated with almost everybody working around, working with Muslims, with different networks, different agencies and organizations and experts all over the world, to put together this list of what we believe are the most strategic ways to pray for the Muslim world.” Topics range from geographic areas to marriage, family, and identity issues.
Launch in Three, Two, One…
On the production side, the Prayercast team created over 130 videos. They will help lead the way through a 30-day prayer journey through the month of Ramadan, which starts May 5, 2019, and ends June 04, 2019.
“Every one of those videos is going to be led in prayer by a former Muslim, from somewhere in the world, who now follows Jesus Christ. They’re going to invite us to pray along with them, that millions and millions more would, like them, turn and receive the freedom of following Jesus.”

(Screen capture courtesy of Love Muslims)
He pauses the explanation with a sidebar on the negative response received on the project. While most people are wildly enthusiastic, there are some, Christians and Muslims alike, who push back. Most Christians who lodged complaints were concerned over political aspects of the immigration issue, refugees, and national security. Muslims, upset over Believers from a Muslim Background (BMB) leading the prayers, comprise other protest elements.
To that end, Ruge says this project proves its worth. People are thinking.
“We’re launching this massive initiative, a movement, in a very symbolic way, to say that we are praying for Muslims in a time on the calendar when they are most receptive to hear from God, where they’re actively fasting and seeking after hearing from God.”
An Invitation…
There are two priorities with this project, explains Ruge. “One is that God truly would move in power in the Muslim world. And the second one is that we, as a Church, would be purified.”
Anticipating the launch, those working with Muslims. One Gospel worker enthused the resource as one of the most exciting things seen in his lifetime of ministry.
The resource is free for the asking, he adds. It’s an invitation to be part of an unprecedented movement of God and change the world.
“When people sign up, we’ll send an email each day as a reminder. We’ll be releasing a brand new video, never seen before, every day during the month of Ramadan.”
Headline screen capture courtesy of Love Muslims