Pakistan (MNN) – Ahmed, a strategically placed co-laborer of the Gospel in Pakistan, is still facing trials for the blasphemy charge against him.
Blasphemy Case Update
The charge against Ahmed has been baseless, his accusers have no evidence against him. Still, since November 2017 his trial continues month after month. His accusers have stopped at nothing to try and prevent Ahmed from continuing his ministry. There’s even been a suspicion of an under the table bribe with the judge.
“The most recent update is that the judge is now demanding that Ahmed come to the courthouse where previously the judge had ruled that Ahmed did not have to be there. That’s Ahmed’s constitutional right to represented by his defense attorney,” FMI’s Bruce Allen shares.
Appearing In Court
However, Ahmed isn’t required to appear in court until sometime in April. And this delay has many people involved in the case wondering if there’s something being planned.
“And it’s a little ominous simply because it wasn’t ‘show up next week’, but it was showing up several weeks down the road and we’re wondering if that’s allowing time for an ambush to take place. So, we’re really requesting Mission Network News listeners to be praying for Ahmed’s protection as he would show up at court,” Allen explains.
It’s easy to see how the current time can be distressing for Ahmed, his family, and even his lawyer, Rizvam. In fact, Rizvam was attacked in court by the accusers and beaten so badly he was put in the hospital. He’s still recovering from his injuries and will have physical scars from the attack.
And if his accusers are willing to attack Rizvam in court, what are they willing to do on a particular day where they know Ahmed will be present. In the past months, Ahmed has not been required to be in court and has been continuing ministry. But this freedom seems to be disappearing.
When the day comes for Ahmed to appear in court, though, a team of attorneys will be present with Ahmed and Rizvam to act as “eyes and ears to witness what happens.” Allen shares there will also be some Christian policemen standing with Ahmed in the courtroom.
Be Prayerful, Be Active
“I pray through Psalm 37, which is one of those intriguing Psalms where the psalmist is just crying out, God, there are evil men who are after me for no good reason,” Allen says. “And the whole Psalm talks about how our hope is not in our circumstances, it’s not ever in what men would do for us…Psalm 37 is a plea to the one who is in charge.”
Will you pray Psalm 37 over Ahmed? Pray fervently for him, his wife and family. For the first part of his trial, Ahmed and his family were separate. They’ve been reunited, but now there is the uncertainty of this court date. So please, ask God to come alongside this family, encourage them, and lift them up in his love and faithfulness.
Pray for attorney Rizvam and his courage to continue representing Ahmed with the danger he faces for doing so. Ask God to convict the judge’s heart, as he is supposed to pursue justice.
“And we just pray for God to part the waters of the red sea again,” Allen urges. “To allow Ahmed to continue in ministry, having great impact in society. But, ultimately we pray for God to be glorified through all of this.”
Decreasing For Christ
Ahmed has already told Allen that if his case is how God will bring about reform for the Pakistani blasphemy laws or to inspire a new generation of Christian leaders in the country, he’s all in. He’s willing to face whatever may come, regardless of his convenience or comfort, to see God glorified.
Finally, would you help contribute to Ahmed’s financial costs of having an attorney? To do so, donate to FMI’s “Project Advocacy” fund.
Financially come alongside Ahmed here!
To find more info on Pakistan’s blasphemy law, click here!
*Please pray for Bruce Allen as he is currently overseas. Pray for his safety, his translators’ ability to quickly and accurately translate, and for his health, strength, and safety. Allen will also have the opportunity to speak to Christian leaders about, “Answering a World That Opposes the Church.” Pray for those conversations as well.