Ukraine (MNN) — Tuesday’s Kakhovka dam collapse adds a new layer of calamity to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Now in its 16th month, the war is taking a heavy toll on people throughout the country. Approximately 40 percent of Ukraine’s population needs help to survive another day.
Alenka Stephenson with Trans World Radio Europe says people are desperate for hope. “One of the biggest outcomes of this terrible war is that the ministry blossomed in responses and interactions, especially online,” she says.
“They have over 100,000 subscribers from different platforms; with Facebook [alone], they reach over 2 million people.”
From its home base in Kyiv, the TWR Ukraine team produces biblical content broadcast nationwide and live-streamed online. More about that here.

The TWR Ukraine team visits war zones to conduct interviews and offer the hope of Jesus.
The TWR team goes to war zones, too. “They do a lot of trips to visit [combat-]affected areas to interview people, talk to them, and of course, to bring them the Good News,” Stephenson says.
“Recently, they (TWR Ukraine) organized a family seminar where people who would not normally sit in the church were coming because many of them [have] broken families. Men are in the war, and wives and children sometimes [go] abroad or [are] displaced.”
Read listener responses on TWR’s website here.
These Gospel workers have been going nonstop for nearly a year and a half. Will you pray for them today? “They’re tired, not only physically, but also emotionally,” Stephenson says.
“They try to find their pockets of rest; everybody needs refreshing, but nothing that [switches] off like we sometimes do. This is not an option for them at the moment.”
Ask the Lord to supernaturally re-energize believers on the TWR team. Pray for travel safety and more evangelization opportunities as the team presents at various churches nationwide.
Header image depicts the Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric power plant in April 2013. (Wikimedia Commons)