International (MNN) — And the Jesus Film, created by the ministry Cru, tells the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection based on the Gospel of Luke. Trans World Radio broadcasts an audio version over their radio stations.
Brandon Neal explains. “On radio, you can’t just play the audio from a movie, because there are parts of a movie that would make absolutely no sense if you’re only listening to it. So one thing that Jesus Film did was they took that audio track, and then they added narration into it. And that’s called the Jesus Film Audio Drama. We’ve taken that, and we are distributing it all over the world. We do that digitally through TWR360, and some different partner websites within TWR. And we’re also broadcasting that on the radio.”
How to pray
TWR will broadcast the drama in 21 different languages during the weeks following Easter. These include Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, and Hindi. Neal says, “In this particular strategy, we’re doing 21 languages. Now the Jesus film audio is available in over 1600 languages. So it’s got a whole lot of different options out there, but we’re doing a very concentrated effort right now in 21 languages.”
Neal encourages listeners to pray that many will hear the good news of Jesus: “Please be praying that people’s hearts and minds will be open that they will hear the broadcast at the right time when it’s being broadcast, and that they will hear the Gospel, understand the Gospel and respond positively to it.”
Want to listen for yourself? Check it out here.
Christians headstone depicting the resurrection (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)