Turkiye (MNN) — Unto supporting Turkish Christians as Jesus’ hands and feet.
Turkiye (MNN) — Unto supporting Turkish Christians as Jesus’ hands and feet.
USA (MNN/JFP) — Because of Dr. Bright’s faithful legacy, the “JESUS” film has a profound impact.
International (MNN) — The Jesus Film tells the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection based on the Gospel of Luke.
International (MNN) — Jesus Film Project celebrates unexpected Gospel growth.
USA (MNN) — Over half of US colleges have no ministry presence
United States (MNN) — Learn how ministries are creatively sharing God’s love
International (MNN/TWR) – JESUS film adapted for radio with TWR
USA (MNN/WYC) — Vonette Bright recipient of the Scripture Impact Award
Brazil (MNN) — Athletes in Action sharing Christ with Olympians and families
Int’l (MNN) — An effective method of sharing the Gospel is an ancient one.