Indonesia (MNN) — More than 122,000 dead, 113,000 missing and a half-million displaced. Those are the latest statistics from the tsunami and its impact on Indonesia alone. The number of desperate people who are grieving, wondering about their future or just feel lost is incredible. Many don’t know where to turn.
Back to the Bible wants to give them someone to lean on during this time of uncertainty, Jesus Christ. That’s why their national staff is in the process of securing a license to begin broadcasting the message of Christ in this region that’s so desperate. Back to the Bible’s Dave Hansen says, “It’s the only station that people will listen to. Keep in mind we’re talking about building a station in the area that was hit hard by the tsunami. While people have received food and water and things of that nature and eventually houses will be rebuilt, true hope comes through Jesus Christ, hope that lasts forever.” And, they’ll be sharing that hope on the air.
While sharing Christ is the priority they’ll also talk about health and other issues that can help Indonesians in their everyday life. Radio is in great need right now as the stations that were on the air before the tsunami hit are no longer operating, says Hansen.
Hansen says getting this station on the air could have a tremendous impact on the predominately Muslim population. He says funding is needed. “We’re anticipating about $75,000 to purchase that land, build a small building for the office, studio and transmitter and then we anticipate about $15,000 a year to operate.”
Prayer for protection is vital because it’s an area that’s been plagued by violence. If you’d like to help Back to the Bible with this project, you can send your gifts to Back to the Bible, Box 82808, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. You can also donate online at http://www.BacktotheBible.org.