Indonesia (MNN) — The tsunami death toll has now climbed above 162,000 and the disaster is beginning to fade from the national media. But, for the millions who remain homeless in the 11 countries hit by the massive wave, it’s hardly becoming easier. That’s why the humanitarian arm of Campus Crusade for Christ known as Global Aid Network is getting involved.
With offices is six countries around the world, GaiN is focusing on four countries including India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
GaiN’s Duane Zook, “The countries of Sri Lanka and Indonesia have asked us to come and help them do an assessment in how to work along side the local church in helping to meet those needs and also the spiritual needs.
GaiN-Canada has taken the lead in Sri Lanka.”
An assessment team is currently developing a strategy for aid distribution. GaiN-Canada is providing funds for food, water, blankets, medicines and other necessities as needed.
GaiN-USA is on the ground in Indonesia, the hardest tsunami hit country. Zook says, “We will be meeting with the deputy governor and pastors and other agencies to see how GaiN and Campus Crusade for Christ can help.” He says Indonesian pastors will be the facilitators of the response. “We’d like to come up with a plan that puts them front and central so that they’ll be able to respond in the name of Jesus with the message of God’s love. And, I think it’s our roll to help come alongside and help provide some of those resources.”
Zook says the death toll in Indonesia is still climbing. “Just today I heard that the total dead has been revised upward again by another 5,000 due to a village of 5,000 that was completely wiped out.”
The hard hit area of Aceh, is known as ‘the porch’ of Mecca. Zook says, “It’s one of the most difficult areas to reach with the message of God’s love. There’s some substantial challenges in the north. Some challenges in terms of resistance toward Christians. But, pray that God’s people will respond from their heart and get involved.”
To help GaiN’s outreach initiatives go to https://secure.globalaid.net/give.php.