USA (MNN) — Brandon Bower from The Lighthouse takes a biblical approach to addiction by looking first at how the Bible says to deal with addiction.
“We’re created as worshipping beings, and we’re created to worship God,” Bower said. “And if we’re not worshiping God, we’re worshiping something else. The Bible calls that idolatry.”
Bower says that idolatry can come in many forms, such as addiction, but only provides temporary satisfaction. Worshipping something temporary rather than the eternal Creator results in a chaotic life.
When The Lighthouse encounters people who say they don’t know how to handle addiction, Bower’s primary response is to lead them to Scripture.
“But truly, God says that he’s given us everything we need to deal with life, godliness, and training in Scripture,” Bower said. “So if we take a biblical approach to Scripture, it’s going back to God’s word, and dealing with the sin that so easily besets us.”
At The Lighthouse, step one in counseling is evangelism.
“Do you know the Savior? Has he radically changed your life?” Bower asks.
If they’re headed in the wrong direction, the other steps of addiction counseling will have temporal benefits only, Bower believes.
Matthew 25 is a guiding passage for The Lighthouse. The Bible gives five instructions in that passage: take in the stranger, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit those in prison, and care for the sick.
Addiction counseling can interact with all five of those points.
Bower says The Lighthouse takes strangers into their program and houses them throughout their struggle. They care for the sick through addiction counseling services and helping people get medicine and hospital care when needed. A food bank and vouchers for clothing are used to feed the hungry and give clothes to those who need it.
Additionally, The Lighthouse has a nationwide prison writing campaign.
“Imagine how dark it must be being in prison, you know, a letter filled with hope, can go really long way,” Bower said. “And then ultimately, the goal would be able to tie them into our services when they when they’re released, or they get out.”
Bower believes that what The Lighthouse is doing isn’t innovative or unique. It’s simply what Christians are called to do.
This is a calling for every believer, not just The Lighthouse, he says.
“So my hope is that when people read what the lighthouse is doing, or hear what the lighthouse is doing, that they’re inspired to step up and do what God’s called them to do as well,” Bower said.
The Lighthouse is looking for more financial partners and prayer partners to add to their team. They also are looking for referral sources, hoping to help more people who are facing addiction.
Bower also challenges everyone reading this story to turn back to Scripture and let it be a guide.
“There’s just one more verse that we rely on a lot. It’s Romans 6:16,” Bower concluded. “‘You are slaves of whom you obey either of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.’ And I really think if we can point someone who’s struggling with life-altering addictions, to Christ, that’s going to be obedience leading to righteousness rather than the sin of addiction leading to death. I think that’s an important concept when we’re talking about a biblical approach to addiction.”