Sudan (MNN) — Church planters are reaching refugees with the Gospel where they’re at!
Sudan (MNN) — Church planters are reaching refugees with the Gospel where they’re at!
Iran (MNN) — The hope of Jesus touches a nation trapped in despair.
USA (MNN) – Set Free Ministries helps Christians walk in spiritual freedom
USA (MNN) — The Lighthouse supports biblical recovery from addiction.
USA (MNN) — Brandon Bower from The Lighthouse takes a biblical approach to addiction by looking first at how the Bible says to deal with addiction.
Iran (MNN) — Many young girls like Samira are afraid and turn to Heart4Iran’s 24/7 call center for help.
Iran (MNN) — Morality police back on patrol as Iran announces new campaign enforcing mandatory hijab.
USA (MNN) — When you always put others first and forget about your own needs, “burnout” is sure to follow.
East DRC (MNN) — “They lost everything…but they are coming to Jesus.”