Next, we turn to Indonesia where the fallout continues from deadly clashes between Christians and Muslims. Monday’s reports indicate the country’s President suspended the army chief, signaling to the world a determination to restore order in the island nation. The Christian Missionary Alliance’s Mike Sohm says the violence has been disruptive to their work. “People have to exercise much greater caution in their work. In some locations, the violence has led believers and people in Christian work to relocate to other places. On one hand, it’s had a negative effect; on the other hand, it creates opportunities to minister to lots of people who are in rather desperate need.” Sohm says while the area appears to be settling, believers always need prayer. “We should pray for grace to endure hardship, at the same time, grace to forgive, grace to be reconcilers in communities where a lot of violence has taken place-to take the initiative as reconcilers.”