Story number 1 for 27 Nov 2001

By November 27, 2001

(Indonesia) — We begin today in Indonesia where Islamic militancy could threaten the country’s newfound democracy. According to United States officials, Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network infiltrated the world’s most populous Muslim nation. AMG International‘s Paul Jenks doesn’t look kindly on democracy’s demise. “That would increase the pressure on the freedom to evangelize and to live as Christians in this society. We would make an appeal for Christians in the world to pray that those kinds of changes don’t take place. The new government seems to be on track and that it would not be disrupted by Islamic extremist.” Jenks says more people are open to hear the Gospel because… “They want to have a sense of security like we all do and these who present war and conflict certainly must disturb the general population. One of the things that we’re trying to emphasize is that in Christ we have hope and peace even in the face of conflict.”

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