Indonesia (MNN) – Executive International Director Bruce Allen of FMI is fresh off the plane from a field visit to Indonesia. But before we share about his time abroad, take a quick mental count of how many Bibles you own. Include the Bible on your phone, tablet, or computer, too.
Now, consider this—in Indonesia, it is common that a single bible is shared between nine to twelve people.
Craving God’s Word
“There are many congregations on the island of Borneo for example, where the pastor has the Bible, and the pastor’s wife and maybe a couple other people in the congregation. But the majority of the congregation do not have their own Bible. It’s nearly impossible to find one for purchase on the island,” Allen explains.

Christmas Baptism 2017-A pastor (center) on the island of Borneo celebrates the baptism of six new followers of Jesus Christ. (Photo courtesy of FMI)
Even the local government office for minority affairs does not have Bibles to give pastors. Despite the lack of supply, there is a hunger on Borneo for God’s Word. Already this year, FMI has double the number of Bibles distributed in the country from 2018.
FMI wants to meet this hunger. Their goal is to supply FMI pastors in Indonesia with 500 Bibles before the end of the year. And it doesn’t stop there; in 2020, FMI would like to triple the 2019 figures for the number of Bibles it supplies to its church partners.
“We’d love to have the financial support, the prayer support of Mission Network News’ audience to really rally around this new openness that is being experienced across Indonesia,” Allen says.
Give a Bible
Can you spare the cost of your favorite latte to get the Word of God in the hands of a believer in Indonesia? It only costs $7 USD to provide a Bible in Indonesia. Sending 500 more Bibles by the end of the year will costs $3500.
Consider using this need as an opportunity to teach young people about the Global Church. Have kids join fundraising efforts to help FMI meet its goal before 2019 ends. The need for Bibles is an opportunity to join together as a local church to serve the Church in Indonesia.
“I’m confident that the God wants to meet that need. Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount says, ‘blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, they will be filled’. I know so many people in Indonesia, Muslims and Christians alike, who say we want to be filled with God’s Word, whether it’s for evangelism or for discipleship. Jesus promises they will be filled,” Allen says.
Help Bibles get into the hands of believers in Indonesia by donating to FMI’s Tangible Resources account here.
Make sure to leave a note designating your gift to Bibles or email FMI here.
Finally, pray. Ask God to supply the resources to provide 500 Bibles to FMI’s church planters and pastors in Indonesia by the end of 2019. Pray for God’s faithfulness and for His Word to not return void. And please, pray for the resources to meet Bible needs in 2020, too.
Header photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.