Nepal (MNN) — In a nation where Hinduism reigns as state religion, I.N. Network reports an ever-increasing expansion of Christianity. Nepal has one of the fastest growing churches on earth, with a Christian community numbering over 700,000 and over 300,000 baptized believers.
In 1952, there were no evangelicals in the country. I.N Network's Executive Director Nicanor Tamang recently visited a church that has planted 65 churches in a ten-year span. The church Tamang visited grew to over 800 in attendance, compared to the congregation of 200 he visited ten years ago.
Rev. Dr. Nicanor Tamang began I.N. Network Nepal in 1974 with an emphasis on church planting. Twenty years ago, the ministry expanded to North India, reaching out to an estimated 8 million Nepali-speaking people. In his recent visit to the church, Tamang spoke to believers about not being ashamed of the cross of Jesus. Following his message, three people came forward to publicly confess the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as Savior.
The ministry of I.N. Network Nepal is multi-faceted. INCAP (I.N. Network Nepal Children's Assistance Program) provides food, clothing, a Christ-centered education, and medical check-ups for sponsored Nepali children. Women are equipped for ministry at the Lydia Vocational Training Centre. In a five-month program, women are taught Bible, health care, nutrition, child delivery and other basic skills that prepare them to return to their villages and train other women. I.N. Network Nepal is also involved in leadership and community development.
I.N. Network USA supports 19 evangelists and 11 Bible student evangelists throughout Nepal. If you'd like to support a child, a student at the women's vocational training center, or a Bible student evangelist through sponsorship, please click here.