Uganda (MNN) — Clean water and sanitation go hand-in-hand.
Uganda (MNN) — Clean water and sanitation go hand-in-hand.
India (MNN) — Ministry expands work to child trafficking prevention.
India/Nepal (MNN) — A new chance at life means sharing it with others.
Turkey (MNN) — A new law in Turkey frees Bible Society murder suspects.
International (MNN) — Christmas giving means more than survival.
Egypt (MNN) — While ex-president Morsi supporters protest, Christians report conversions.
Egypt (MNN) — While ex-president Morsi supporters protest, Christians report conversions.
Egypt (MNN) — Renewed violence in Egypt isn’t new for Christians.
Egypt (MNN) — Military stepping up power hold in Egypt; Christians going into hiding.
Central Europe (MNN) — Heavy rains cause flooding in Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany