Malaysia (MNN) – Pastor Raymond Koh was abducted on February 13, 2017 in Malaysia. Koh was stopped while driving and forcibly transferred from his vehicle into another.
Abducting Raymond Koh
Todd Nettleton, a spokesperson for Voice of the Martyrs, USA, says people can watch security footage of the abduction online.
“It involved at least five vehicles, at least 13 different men. The whole thing took less than 45 seconds. So, it was a very well planned, very practiced military-style operation to make this pastor disappear. And he hasn’t been seen or heard from since. His car has never been found,” Nettleton says.
VOM has launched a petition drive to get answers. The main question the organization is asking is this; where is Raymond Koh?
“It is located at RELEASERAYMOND.COM. So far, in the first just couple of weeks, we’ve had over 30,000 signatures. We are hoping to get to 100,000 before December when we deliver these to the Malaysian embassy, in Washington D.C.,” Nettleton says.
Petition Malaysia’s Government for Answers
VOM is running the petition drive now because the Malaysian government has changed hands. Nettleton says the current government may not have reasons to cover up the abduction of Pastor Koh. It is possible the new government will take down the veil and reveal the truth behind Koh’s disappearance.
“Earlier this year, the human rights commission in Malaysia blamed the abduction on the special branch of the police. Basically, the intelligence police. However, nobody has been arrested. Nobody’s been held accountable for that, and Pastor Raymond Koh is still missing,” Nettleton says.
“His family is still going to bed every night, not knowing where he is or what’s happened to him.”
VOM hopes the government will come clean, especially with thousands of names on the petition requesting answers. Will you sign your name?
Sign the Release Raymond petition here.
Sign the Petition, Next Steps
Pray for information on Raymond Koh’s condition and location to be revealed. Pray for Koh’s wife, Susanna, and the burden she bears of not knowing if Koh is sick or well, who is holding him captive, or if her husband is even alive. Ask God to encourage Susanna and her children, give them strength, and to preserve their faith.
Pray for God’s protection and encouragement of Raymond Koh, where ever he is. Pray he knows he is not forgotten by the Christian community, or by God.
“God has been faithful to them. Susanna talked about how God has been faithful and how God even, really convicted her to forgive the men who had kidnapped her husband,” Nettleton says.
Nettleton notes the confirmation page of the petition provides an address for people to send letters and cards of encouragement to Susanna Koh and her children. The Kohs have received notes from all over the world. It has been an amazing encouragement to them.
To listen to VOM’s interview with Susanna Koh (Raymond Koh’s wife), CLICK HERE.
Header photo courtesy of Voice of the Martyrs, USA.