Malaysia (MNN) — The case for truth in Raymond Koh’s 2017 disappearance is far from over, despite the Malaysian government’s apparent wishes.
Malaysia (MNN) — The case for truth in Raymond Koh’s 2017 disappearance is far from over, despite the Malaysian government’s apparent wishes.
Malaysia (MNN) — Gospel opportunities abound in Malaysia, but reaching certain people groups for Jesus carries a higher risk.
Malaysia (MNN) — Government expected to release classified report this week about 2017 abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh.
Malaysia (MNN) — A seven-year mystery waiting to be resolved.
Nigeria (MNN) — More Christians were kidnapped in Nigeria than in any other country in 2023.
Malaysia (MNN) — The next hearing in a trial is upcoming.
Paksitan (MNN) — People in the region now live in fear, especially Christian and other minorities.
Ukraine (MNN) — Despite heavy fighting, he stayed behind to take care of those who cannot flee.
Haiti (MNN) — The same gang took several Christian missionaries hostage last year.
Pakistan (MNN) — Every year, hundreds of Pakistani women and children are abducted.