(MNN) — The brand-new Operation Mobilization ship, Logos Hope, just finished 13
days of ministry in Belfast,
Ireland. It stayed in Belfast
from April 29 through May 12, and arrived in Dublin on May 13.
The ship engaged in various ministries during its time in Ireland. On May 6, pastors and Christian leaders
gathered on the ship to encourage each other in the ministry. The meeting focused on prayer and unity. Some of the attendees experienced their very
first time praying with people from different denominations.
On May 9, the ship hosted an event for the homeless and
homeless ministries. Frank Moericke, a
member of the ship crew from Germany,
shared his testimony. He explained how
the Scripture provides a solid foundation for life, like the base he is welding for
the ship's Water Desalination Plant.
The ship also ran the DEEP volunteer program in Belfast. Volunteers in the week-long program work in
the ship's departments, participate in discipleship training, and serve onshore with
teams of crewmembers. "It's great to
connect with people and see God's work," said Claire Rush, one of the DEEP
Logos Hope began its ministry on February 19. OM's largest ship, Logos Hope will help OM serve the over 1 million people who visit its ships every
year. Each of OM's
ships holds a large bookstore containing Christian and educational literature,
as well as 300-400 crew and staff from about 40 different countries.
In every port city, the ships work with local churches to
reach out to the community. They engage
in relief projects such construction and aid distribution for orphans and
victims of natural disasters.
To follow the ship's journey, click here.