International (MNN) — Saint Patrick was born Maewyn Succat, and the Lord called him to reach Ireland’s Druid people for Christ.
International (MNN) — Saint Patrick was born Maewyn Succat, and the Lord called him to reach Ireland’s Druid people for Christ.
Ireland/Northern Ireland (MNN) — Brexit could undo peace on the emerald isle
Ireland (MNN) — There are still 68 countries in the world with blasphemy laws
Ireland (MNN) — Despite Ireland’s abortion ruling, there is hope for the sanctity of human life
New Zealand (MNN) — The “one” and the “many” matter to God
United Kingdom (MNN) — The Shankill and Falls roads still face effects of Troubles
Iceland (MNN) — All prenatally diagnosed Downs babies aborted in Iceland
Ireland (MNN) — Developing relevant radio programming
Ireland (MNN) — New ship, Logos Hope, works with local churches to minister in Ireland